

Our Reader’s Point of View!

I enjoy reading The Unknown Message, as it helps foster a personal relationship with my Creator!

Jane Simons

The Unknown Message helps me become more conscious of my life’s choices and their alignment with God’s commands!

Sarina Cloud

Gary Crawford inspires me to become a Disciple myself. I am in the middle of my course and will soon join like-minded people in the service of God

Johnna Brooks

This book discusses concepts I never thought about. Examples as “God is the same today” while many commentators are obscuring our perception of God!

Monty Craft

Many different welfares exist; however, nobody touches the idea of spiritual welfare. Glad to see author Gary Crawford shining a light on the topic.

Jake Dominic

This book helps me to incorporate faith into my life. Therefore making my life easier and better. Thanks to The Unknown Message, I seek to act according to God’s will!

Georgiana Langston