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by Gary L. Crawford

It’s been several years since my mother was told she had six months to live, and they would not even recommend going to the Mayo Clinic  When my mother told me about this, my thoughts went back to a night just a few months prior, when a man talk to me about his cancer. He had a mold come on his body and by trying to kill it went inside and left him with cancer. He said that he was going to Tijuana New Mexico To the Bio- medical center to be treated for this condition, and he was doing quite well, and expected to be healed.  

 I shared this with my mother and a few days later she called me and asked me to take  her to Mexico to see if they could help her. I was very skeptical of this, but knowing she had the money and a short time to live, what did she have to lose?

After we arrived at the motel, being skeptical, I was quickly put in place by the lady who checked us in. She said the Bio-Medical Clinic was doing great work in the lives of people with cancer. After we checked in we decided to get something to eat, as we entered the restaurant you could tell the people we were there for cancer treatment. While waiting for our meal I talked with some of them and. expressed that I was skeptical of the therapy and figured we were wasting our money. They assured me the treatment was for real.

The next morning as we arrived at the clinic we noticed several people shouting and hugging each other and dancing around. I asked the girls why they were so happy.  One of their friends had been given a clear of cancer, no more cancer. 

I thought of the times Jesus touched people, and healed them in the Bible. How they rejoiced over being healed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I had a good feeling in my heart we had come to place that could help my mother.

When we met with the doctor, he told us faith, and belief in the treatment, is a very important part of being healed. I thought, okay here we go, we don't have the faith we don't do right we won't be healed. We returned home with the information needed to start the treatment of cancer. Before time to return to the Bio-Medical Center for a checkup. Mom was put in the hospital with a UTI. Her blood work was so pure it took several days before they could get an antibiotic to work. The other thing we learned, my mother was not keeping on the diet as instructed. She died a few months later. Six months from the day that the doctors told her she had six months to live.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Life goes on 

Peg and I moved to Mountain Grove Missouri, to work For Sun Bank. While we were in Mountain Grove we made many friends and became friends with the Amish. While closing a loan with an Amish man he told me he was taking his wife to Mexico to be treated for liver cancer. When  I asked him what place in Mexico, he told me in Tijuana.  I have carried the card I received from the Bio-Medical Center from the time I took my mother there many years ago. I showed the card to Sammy Y and he said yes that's where we're going.

Peggy and I left Mountain Grove after working there for 11 months. After a year we returned, to Mountain Grove to sell the property we purchased while living there. 

We stopped in Mansfield to see the Amish. I was a little concerned about how we would be received by them since we had left the community after getting all their business from the Bank of Mansfield. While living in the community we spent a lot of time in Amish homes helping them fill out financial statements and loan forms, and becoming very good friends with them.

Amazing God

As I walked across the field toward where they were butchering a cow,  I heard one of the Amish women say, it's Gary, they could tell by the way I walked, that it was me. After making small talk with them, I finally asked them, how are things going? Wondering what the reply would be? You have saved us millions of dollars. We returned to the Mansfield Bank, once they agreed to the same terms you negated for us. we're very pleased to have met you and have your help the next thing I want to know is was very hasn't asked believing that Sammy J's wife was probably dead I said hey how's Sammy J's wife how she come out with a cancer said she's fine she's healed and doing great.

All these years I've carried the card on how to get hold of biomedical Clinic and shared with people my experience the skepticism was gone I believe God took me to Mountain Grove Missouri when the main purposes with it here and experience Sammy J's wife being treated for cancer at the biomedical clinic and heal and talking with Sammy I found out that they go there also for heart trouble and one thing I left out earlier while I was in Tijuana coming back in the States they stopped and a lady had her eyes treated with a salve I had no idea what was taking place but when she got back on the bus I said what were you doing there it said that I was getting my cataracts removed you I don't have all the answers I can only share with you and that's all I want to share is what I've experienced and know for a fact but if you   the other day I searched on the internet regarding cataracts being removed this sad and you'll find out that they'll say no that's not possible and this is some 20 years later than when I talked and saw the lady have her cataracts removed in Mexico so the bottom line on this we live in a crooked world if you want to know the way the truth and life you need to be born again according to John the third chapter and when this happens the Holy Spirit comes into your life he's  there for us to talk today asking to explain the Bible and get teachers the truth and to make decisions for everyday that God gives us a live on this Earth Jesus came to Earth that we might be born again receive the gift of Holy Spirit know his word and live as word and die to self. Something very important everyone needs to understand and know in the Bible God plainly says my word is written and settled in heaven what does that mean so many times we read scriptures like the devil says I've come to steal kill and destroy it we read it we have no idea that he's doing that very thing. what you need to know is the fact that God's word is written and settled he will do what it says it doesn't change it's the same today as it was as he walked the face of the Earth God's not a liar he will do what he says and the only way that we can truly understand what this means is to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us and then when you read something in the Bible Proclaim it stand on it, believe it and receive it.

If you know someone who's cancer or maybe you've been told today you have a few days to live because of cancer in your body I'm below you will find the information on how you can go to the website and read about the   Hoxie Bio- medical center. Look to God to guide and direct your steps for each day