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"The Better Way"/"The Unknown Message"

See The Better Way Ministry was formed in 1982, by

Gary L. Crawford “Jesus Kid”

Gary L. Crawford is a Born Again Christian, Minister, and Song Writer. Raised as a Baptist Preachers' Son, He was born again at the age of five years. Married Peggy Ann Griffith in 1962 and we raised two fine Christian people. After playing ball in the New York Yankees farm system, His life as a child of God was changed dramatically in 1982, when he was introduced to Master Life. Miracles became a common happening in his life. Although he was a Born Again Christian, he had not been taught about his friend, The Holy Spirit, living in him. He didn’t understand, he needed to talk with God and ask Him for direction and help with each day!

Master Life taught him to meet with God, first thing each morning and ask him to guide and direct where he would go and what to do with the day. He was taught to memorize God’s Word, and the power of prayer and to keep a prayer journal of his prayers, including date prayed, Scripture claimed for answer, and date prayer answered.

When he became aware of the promises of God, to those who are truly Born Again, He knew he had found the key to living an Abundant Life. A life with meaning and purpose. Since he was very competitive as an athlete, He wasn’t going to tell anyone. This wasn’t what God wanted him to do. It became his desire to share all he knew with the World.

Early one morning God started giving him songs. At the time he could not read or write music. Satan said you

are making the songs up, however, he soon realized The Holy Spirit was giving the songs to him to play and sing Praises to God. The songs are very anointed by God and deal with the current problems all Christians are currently dealing with. Today these songs are playing around The World, in many countries, changing lives.

In 2015, he was contacted by Ministers in Tanzania, asking him to come and share what he believe with several Ministers. They heard some of the songs on the internet and felt the strong anointing on them. With that said, he knew God wanted him to go to Africa, so he did. Since his trip to Africa in 2015, he has shared all he experienced in his life as a Jesus Kid for over 72 years, with my friends on Facebook.

He has no doubts of who God is, or what He will do in the lives of people. As he grew from a child into a man, he experienced many bad things people do. When this happened, he would hear these words. Life doesn’t have to be that way, there is a “Better Way”.

His parents divorced when I was 14 years old, and he was on the streets for a while, but he was not alone. His friend The Holy Spirit was with him, taking care of him, even though he didn’t know he was at this time. As Gary looks back over 72 years as a Jesus Kid, it is plain to see the Holy Spirit’s guidance in his life.

It is exciting to see how The Holy Spirit is using “See The Better Way Ministries to touch dry and hurting lives, around the World, through the songs and the Amazing things God has done in his Life. All are supported by The Word of God. People need to know The Way, The Truth, and The life in Jesus Christ. There is only One God and there is only one Way to God. That is Jesus Christ. There is no other way.

"The Better Way""The Unknown Message"


2:55 PM (20 minutes ago)

to Gary from Haron


Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus my dear Bishop Gary servant of the Most true High God.

Thank you for your powerful teachings. I have been reading and making notes about your teachings and through them I have baptized 45 souls .

May God bless you more.

Bishop Lewis Omwoyi   Kenya

Much greetings to you in Jesus name. The grace, love and peace to you always in Jesus name. I thank God for directing me to your website which has been of great touch to my heart. I thank you for what you are doing in the Lord and I pray God to help you as you touch many souls around the globe through your website.I am happy and pleased by your wonderful Christian teachings that you offer in your website and we request you to consider us of receiving your prayers and teachings.

I am by the grace of God brother bishop lewis omwoyo from Kenya and I am really devoted to give hope to the needy souls for spiritual word and to the needy children who are orphans.

I really send my heartfelt request to you to join our hands together so that we can proclaim the Lord's love and His will to His people and bring back the lost souls to their Savior Jesus Christ. It is my prayer and hope that you will humbly accept my request of joining together our hands to make a change to many lives and make Him known to many. God bless you and hope to hear from you