"You Can't Go Wrong"

Took me back through life to my early years when our family would be on our way to a little Country Church for Dad to Preach and Mother would sing.

Traveling time was very neat for fact it was about the only time our family would all be together. Most of the time Stanley(my brother) Mother and I would be singing. I had no idea then how my family was preparing me for the life I now have with my family! I hope something Peg and I have done might have a positive effect on our children and those to come.

“Early Years”

Our family had just moved back to Goodman, Missouri, without much to our name. An old truck and a little furniture, no money no place to live. I will always be grateful to a man (George Chancellor). He gave Dad a job and a house to live in.  All though these were very hard times for our family, George Chancellor gave us the help and means to go on. We even got to visit with his family and become childhood friends with his children (Anne & George). The only thing that has bothered me through the years is not knowing if (George Sr.) was A Born Again Christian. I sure hope he was. He did a lot for my family that you would expect a Christian to do.

A  Short time after moving back to Goodman, we started getting back on our feet and on Sunday we would be on the road to a little Country Church. One day as we were traveling, my brother,  said to Dad, I don’t know why you Preach and put up with the things that come your way. You tithe more to the Church than the tithe they give to you.  We don’t have anything! My part was, I Agreed!

A short time after this, Dad quit preaching, and started driving for Grey Van Lines so we could have money and a better living. However, this is what happened in just a matter of time. Our family split Mom ran off with a bass singer from a Gospel Group, Stanley joined the Army, got married and I went to live with my Grandmother.

As I worked on this song, I thought,” I wonder if Dad would have kept on Preaching if we would have kept silent or maybe encouraged Him”.

When a person becomes bruised and beaten down by things that come our way, all it might take is someone to say a few wrong words to cause them to give up!

My family quit the Ministry in search of more in life (Money). The cost was Great. Mom and Dad wore the scars to death and Stanley and I will do the same.

Dad remarried and as far as I know, never had a shortage of money and lived quite well. Mom married the bass singer and became very wealthy. Stanley, not only did he become very well off he is very active in serving the Lord today. For me, sometimes life was hard but God covered our needs every time. Peg and I have trusted God for our needs and have followed him our entire married life. As I look back over my life(71 years) I can see how God was there every step of the way. Guiding us in good times as well as bad times.  Our Lives are a testimony that God works for the good in all things for those who Love and Trust Him.  “Born Again”

Words To  “Old Time Preacher Man”

“Old Time Preacher Man”    8/15/2015 by Gary L. Crawford


Daddy, was an Old Time, Preacher Man. He Loved The Lord and cared for the Souls of man. He Loved to tell The Story, about The Father’s Precious Lamb! Daddy, was an Old Time , Preacher Man!

Verse One:

He wasn’t educated or taught, by other men, never went to seminary but knew the Bible, like the back of His hand. His Bible was old and tattered, the pages torn and worn, from searching through the sacred, writings,of  The Lord.

Verse Two:

Just an Old, Fashion Preacher, who Loved The Lord, and Loved to tell people about, The Father’s plan. He said, see this Old Black Bible, as he raised it high above his head.

It’s The  Father’s Road Map, for those going to, The Promise Land.


Daddy was an Old Time Preacher Man. He Loved The Lord and cared for the Souls of man. He Loved to tell The Story, about The Father’s Precious Lamb! Daddy was an Old Time Preacher Man!

Tag:  Just an Old, Fashion Preacher, that Loved The Lord, and cared for the Souls of man.

Daddy was an Old Time Preacher Man!

What we need today is some Old Time Preachers that have been called by God and Preach the Word under God’s anointing.    The End!