"Why I Left Pro Baseball"

This post is dedicated to Otto Hames and Cliff Crowder, two very special people who helped me along the way of life. Also, I am Blessed to say I had the opportunity to catch two of the best pitchers in Baseball ---  John Hames and Garland Crowder.

Through the years I have been asked

why did I quit baseball or what happened? When we arrived in Wichita last week, I found that we were staying in the Hyatt, just across the river from Lawrence Dumont Stadium. Memories started to roll about things I experienced, regarding the time I spent playing baseball. I was 13 years old the first time I played baseball with John Hames and his family at Dumont Stadium. Had no idea how good the ball players were or who they were at the time. It was neat to go back after all these years and take pictures of Lawrence Dumont Stadium, and of a few of the many pro players that passed through Wichita. I remember how a young pitcher caught the eye of Hank Dumont as well as other scouts. John Hames could through a baseball as hard as Bob Gibson. I came to know what it meant to catch a moving fastball. It means more than hard and fast, it means moving in various directions. I was one of few catchers that could catch John.

Granddad started working with me as soon as I could walk. Baseball was a big part of his life. Once his playing days were over, he managed a team in Seneca, Missouri, for several years. Life goes by so fast. Seems like yesterday when he was teaching my brother to pitch and I was the catcher. From the very beginning, he said I was a natural-born catcher, by the way I threw the ball.  So I became a catcher. Never played another position all through the years.

Granddad's dream was to see me become a pro ball player.  Unfortunately, my granddad passed away before I was signed with the New York Yankees.

Little did I know what I was going to experience in the next few years. A few months later our family broke up and I went to live with my grandmother. We became great buddies and enjoyed each other. Just a few months later I met Peggy, it was love at first meeting. I knew she was special and needed her in my life. Together we have been blessed to have God as the center of our lives to build our family on.

I signed with The New York Yankees after graduating High School and reported to Sarasota, Florida training camp. I was blessed to have such an experience in life. I found pro baseball and the World to be quite different than the life I knew and loved in the Ozark Hills. I played baseball because I loved the game. I had no idea the amount of drinking and other things that were a part of pro ball. I knew I could play but didn't like the environment.

One day upon arriving at the ballpark, it was rumored that five ball players would be released that day. I felt like I would be one of the five. However, I was in a batting cage when they came and released one of my friends without saying a word to me. I was with each one of the next three people when they were released and again they said nothing to me. At the end of the day I was told to go home, but I stayed to talk with the manager. Why? That still small voice was telling me, I was the one. So I stayed and waited as the Skipper worked with two outfielders. I'm sure he was going to release one of them. About one hour later, the manager came down and released me. I'm glad I listened to that still small voice. After returning home the Pittsburg Pirates wanted to sign me. I decided I would wait till next year. When Spring came Peggy and I were both working in management for Sears and living the good life on Beaver Lake. Also, I knew I was out of shape. I ended my pro baseball career.

Hope you enjoy this short video of a few memories!