Message Four

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Message 4     Page 1 of 5

“The Creation to Christ Story”

I would like to share with you a Love story that is changing the

lives of people around the world.
This is a summary story of the Most High God‟s relationship with the world.
This story is from the Bible.
This story is true and reliable because it is the word of the Most High God.

You (people) were Created to have a wonderful relationship with God forever!
There is only one God, and He is the Most High God. He existed in the beginning before there was anything else. The Most High God is the Creator. He created everything on earth and in heaven and is all powerful over everything. When God began to create things, He just used His words. He spoke and everything came to being. He created angels to worship and serve Him.

He also created everything we can see -- the sky, land, water, mountains, oceans, sun, moon, stars, all plant and animals.

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Finally, He created man according to His image. God created man

to enjoy all that He has created. God created everything and saw that it was good. God Loved all He created!

God and Man in Relationship: God placed the man and woman in a beautiful garden to live. They had a very good relationship with Him and with each other. He told them to take care of the garden and enjoy everything.

He gave them a special command: they could eat from every tree in the garden except one. If they ate from that one

tree, they would be punished and die.
The man and woman listened to God and had a wonderful relationship with Him in the garden.
Fall of Man:
After all God had done for them, they chose to disobey God!
Why did they disobey God? They bought into a lie! They listen to Satan! ( we will speak about Satan Later)
Disobeying God’s command is sin:
Cost of Sin!
God cast the man and the woman out of the garden, and their relationship with God was

broken. Human beings and God were now separated forever.
All Have Sinned: Like the first man and the woman, all people like us since then have sinned
How? By not listening to God’s commands

We are separated from God. The result of sin is eternal punishment in hell. We cannot live forever with God as we were designed.
Over time, the number of people on earth multiplied.
Yet God loved them very much and wanted them to have a relationship with Him.
So He gave them 10 commandments to follow.
The 10 commandments were given to teach people how to relate to God and how to relate to people.
Some of the commands were: do not worship other gods or make idols; honor your parents; do not lie, steal, murder or commit adultery. However, no one was able to obey all of these commands.

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Once again man disobeyed God. They could not keep his commandments .
So, each time they sinned, God allowed them to repent of their sins and offer a blood sacrifice to take the place of their punishment.

Remember God is perfect and holy, so we must be perfect and holy to live with him.This sacrifice was shedding the blood of a perfect animal like a lamb.
This sacrifice was shedding the blood of a perfect animal like a lamb.

If they would repent and offer the blood sacrifice, God would forgive them and let the animal die in their place.

Only by the shedding of blood can a person’s sin be forgiven. However, people kept sinning and the sin sacrifice became a ritual rather than something from their heart.
God became tired of their insincere acts.
People were still separated from God. We cannot come to God on our own no matter what we do.
Jesus Comes to Earth!

The perfect Sacrifice!
God still loved us very much. Therefore He gave us a perfect way to reconnect to Him.
God sent Jesus to show us the way back to Himself. Perfect: Unlike us, Jesus never sinned. He obeyed His Father in heaven perfectly. He alone never deserved to be punished.
Our Substitute:
Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. Jesus was perfect and did not deserve to die. Instead, Jesus died for all mankind. God loves us

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and allowed Jesus to die on the cross in our place. Only through the shedding of Jesus‟ precious blood was God able to forgive our sin. Jesus death demonstrates God‟s love towards us.
Jesus died on a large cross which is two large pieces of wood shaped in a “T”. They took His hands and His feet and nailed them to the cross. His precious blood flowed from His hands, feet and body.

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That precious blood is still flowing today. This precious blood will wash away your sin. This precious blood will give you the power to overcome sin and all that comes against you.

Jesus took our punishment and now provides a way for people to come to God!
All mankind is separated from God because of sin.

Jesus Brings Us to God. Jesus,I am come that you might have life, and that you might have life more abundantly.
Choose this Day, Blessings or Cursing’s !
Are you a Child of God or a disciple of Satan?

The Bible teaches :
God loves, protects, provides for, and disciplines his Children !
He has an Amazing plan for your life. Follow him and experience a life with meaning and purpose.